Monday 2 November 2009

Hi everyone

Hi everyone, I am pleased to be back working on my new Laptop, it is exciting. I have got all my craft photos save to an external hard drive so it wont slow me down ha ha.

It has been a very busy couple of weeks getting things sorted out, and I am pleased also to say that I had a brilliant weekend with Jan and Martin Kelly's mum and dad. Jan calls me Conifer and I call her January, even Kelly calls me Conifer. I have also sent to Kelly her baubles, January loved hers, and I am busy making her some icicles for Kelly's old room in the colours of pale blue, clear and white, they do look nice so far, here is a photo of the baubles that I made them. The turquise ones are January's and the rose and white are Kelly's, I have to admit I do love making them, have had a break from the Cancer ones to make these but shall now get back to making some more.

One Wednesday, I shall be going to my craft afternoon, where I shall be showing a new lady how to make them, we started off last week on the icicle which is the easy one to do, its good fun. My husband Dave is now going to sort me out my craft room, I took down his shelves that he had up displaying his model vans!!! and stored them in a box ready to go up the attic, bearing in mind that I only live in a bungelo and dont have much room, to make way for my new shelves. I managed to get some lovely boxes at the week to store some of my stuff in they are red and black, my favourite colour is red so I was over the moon.

Tomorrow I shall be having a busy day, got to nip into Lincoln, have my flu injection, put 2 new zips in some trousers for a friend at work, so tomorrow will fly by. and then shorted a pair of curtains for another friend, where do I find the time!!!!

Right my lovelies I shall close now, till the next take care.

love Connie xxx


  1. Hey Conifer!

    Thanks for the Baubles!! I love them will post about them so that everyone can see!!!!!

    Lots of Love

    Kelly xxx

  2. Wow!! You have been busy!! Sounds like you had a great time though!! Can't wait to see the baubles!!


  3. Connie you keep talking about these wonderful baubles and so many other great things... we want to see photos!!!

    Victoria xx


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