Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Day out

Tomorrow I am really looking forward to, Harrogate, our big craft show of the year, this time in the town and not the Showground. Hubby is taking me which is a pleasant surprise, specially after the work he done for me in my room, which I must say I am loving it. Got the varnish today so shall get the last job finished on Friday.

Been over to my craft afternoon today which was a good afternoon, I had made a pattern up for the Christmas Baubles that I made and handed them out to the girls, they are the guinea pigs and one lady Linda followed it no problem, so that made my day.

I also had a talk with my tutor Brenda about teaching crafts to others and she has encouraged me to follow my heart, and pointed me in the right direction. I have decided to also try and do my City and Guilds in crafting so fingers crossed for me.

I have been on everyones blog site and there are some parts that make me smile, its a marvelous thing this site. I have been busy with my Santa Swop partner, Cally swopping addresses etc, ready for the parcel to go. Dont know what happened to my write up last night, it all looked good when I closed down but tonight what a mess, what am I doing wrong!!!!!

I have been thinking about flowers of all things today, been looking at my Orchid that I have grown on my kitchen window sill, and listing my favourites, they are Pansy's for their happy smiling faces, Freshias, for the perfume, Fushias, for the splendour of the bud and forgetmenot in memory of my mum. There are plenty more nut those stick out in my mind.

Thats it for this evening, hopefully shall have a lot me to say tomorrow after my day out, till then take care

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